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Former lifeguard and marine conservation education instructor Jessica Steele-Sanders and her husband Chris Sanders, an Academy Award-nominated animation writer and director best known for Disney's "Lilo & Stitch" and DreamWorks' "How to Train Your Dragon," bring you a wholly unique take on the enduring legend of the mermaid: "Rescue Sirens: Mermaids On Duty," a bright new world of urban fantasy for the entire family to enjoy.

"First and foremost, this is not your average mermaid story. So much of the mermaid genre is filled with retellings of 'The Little Mermaid'—which, you know, gets old. Everything about 'Rescue Sirens' is fresh, new, and original, from concept to world-building to character development."  ~Ashleigh Heaton

“Rescue Sirens” follows the adventures of a group of young mermaids living amongst us in modern-day Miami Beach, where they hide in plain sight while working to keep their true identities a secret. An ancient vow binds all merfolk to protect humans as best they can, and the easiest way for a mermaid to do that in today’s world is to trade her fins for feet and pose as a lifeguard — a job in which saving swimmers, learning what it means to be human, and teaching people how to care for the ocean and its creatures are all in a day’s work.

"'Rescue Sirens' makes the everyday superheroism of first responders and the true strength of teamwork accessible through this delightful tale of friendship, comrardery, mission orientation. If I’d had this story when I was a teenager, I guarantee I would have been inspired to become a first responder a lot earlier than I did... I know there are young people out there with lifesaving potential who will be as inspired by this tale of lifesaving work as I am."  ~Kate Hays

The idea for “Rescue Sirens” came about because Jessica and Chris wanted to create a property that balances the escapism of fantasy with the aspirational qualities of reality; that teaches important environmental messages and water safety in a fun, organic, accessible way; and that depicts female characters as capable, confident, and active.

Does this notion have you hooked? Then you'll want to check out the FAQ, meet the Rescue Sirens, learn about the books, and read the latest news and blogs from series creator and co-author Jessica.

Welcome to the crew! We're glad to have you aboard.



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